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11:00 PM C: 5 AB: 53, 79, 42, 22, 80 AC: 63, 53, 08, 79, 22 BC: 68, 39, 50, 72, 80 ABC: 245, 356, 467, 578, 689, 120, 231, 342, 453, 564, 675, 786, 897, 908, 019, 798, 809, 910, 021, 132 Dabc: 1358, 2469, 3580, 4691, 5792, 6903, 7014, 1250, 2357, 3462, 2359, 3460, 7104, 2376, 3498, 4573, 5684, 6795, 7806, 1441, 2542, 3653, 4764, 5875, 6986, 7097, 2369, 3491, 3281, 4388, 1025, 2147, 3269, 4391, 5403, 4771, 5882, 6993, 1365, 2476, 3587, 1359, 2470, 3581, 4692, 5793, 6904, 7015, 1251, 2356, 3463
12:00 PM C: 8 AB: 19, 27, 65, 48, 90 AC: 32, 74, 56, 81, 91 BC: 41, 53, 72, 65, 03 ABC: 135, 246, 357, 468, 579, 680, 791, 802, 913, 124, 160, 271, 382, 493, 604, 314, 425, 536, 647, 758 Dabc: 4572, 5683, 4574, 5685, 6796, 7807, 1442, 2543, 3654, 4765, 5876, 6987, 7098, 2370, 3492, 3282, 4389, 1026, 2148, 3270, 4392, 5404, 3268, 4390, 5402, 1358, 2469, 3580, 1360, 2471, 3582, 4693, 5794, 6905, 7016, 1252, 2355, 3464, 4575, 5686, 6797, 7808, 1443, 2544, 3655, 4766, 5877, 6988, 4764, 5875, 6986
1:00 PM C: 2 AB: 14, 67, 85, 39, 22 AC: 25, 68, 49, 73, 80 BC: 92, 47, 35, 61, 14 ABC: 178, 289, 390, 501, 612, 213, 324, 435, 546, 657, 768, 879, 980, 091, 102, 672, 783, 894, 905, 016 Dabc: 7097, 2369, 7099, 2371, 3493, 3283, 4390, 1027, 2149, 3271, 4393, 5405, 1361, 2472, 3583, 4694, 5795, 6906, 7017, 1253, 2354, 3465, 3269, 4391, 5403, 1359, 2470, 3581, 4576, 5687, 6798, 7809, 1444, 2545, 3656, 4767, 5878, 6989, 7100, 2372, 3494, 3284, 4391, 1028, 2150, 3272, 4394, 5406, 3274, 4396, 5408
4:00 PM C: 7 AB: 56, 63, 18, 72, 89 AC: 34, 28, 52, 71, 63 BC: 91, 07, 63, 29, 54 ABC: 147, 258, 369, 470, 581, 692, 703, 814, 925, 036, 501, 612, 723, 834, 945, 147, 258, 369, 470, 581 Dabc: 7103, 2375, 1362, 2473, 3584, 4695, 5796, 6907, 7018, 1254, 2353, 3466, 4577, 5688, 6799, 7810, 1445, 2546, 3657, 4768, 5879, 6990, 5406, 2350, 3469, 7103, 2375, 3497, 7101, 2373, 3495, 3285, 4392, 1029, 2151, 3273, 4395, 5407, 7102, 2374, 3496, 3286, 4393, 1030, 2152, 3274, 4396, 5408, 1253, 2354, 3465
5:00 PM C: 4 AB: 36, 58, 67, 42, 80 AC: 03, 71, 59, 02, 87 BC: 19, 75, 38, 26, 49 ABC: 548, 659, 760, 871, 982, 250, 361, 472, 583, 694, 705, 816, 927, 038, 149, 702, 813, 924, 035, 146 Dabc: 4573, 5684, 1364, 2475, 3586, 4697, 5798, 6909, 7020, 1256, 2351, 3468, 4579, 5690, 6801, 7812, 1447, 2548, 3659, 4770, 5881, 6992, 3269, 4391, 5403, 1359, 2470, 3581, 7103, 2375, 3497, 3287, 4394, 1031, 2153, 3275, 4397, 5409, 1365, 2476, 3587, 4698, 5799, 6910, 7021, 1257, 2350, 3469, 3275, 4397, 5409
6:00 PM C: 1 AB: 82, 33, 59, 46, 71 AC: 50, 68, 91, 24, 30 BC: 85, 12, 79, 34, 68 ABC: 160, 271, 382, 493, 604, 715, 826, 937, 148, 259, 689, 790, 801, 912, 130, 215, 326, 437, 548, 659 Dabc: 4578, 5689, 4580, 5691, 6802, 7813, 1448, 2549, 3660, 4771, 5882, 6993, 7104, 2376, 3498, 3288, 4395, 1032, 2154, 3276, 4398, 5410, 4767, 5878, 6989, 7100, 2372, 3494, 7095, 2367, 3489, 3279, 4386, 1023, 2145, 3267, 4389, 5401, 1357, 2468, 3579, 4680, 5791, 6902, 7013, 1249, 2358, 3461, 3271, 4393, 5405
7:00 PM C: 3 AB: 74, 62, 39, 81, 53 AC: 17, 50, 63, 82, 94 BC: 29, 48, 75, 56, 32 ABC: 135, 246, 357, 468, 579, 478, 589, 690, 701, 812, 923, 034, 145, 256, 367, 320, 431, 542, 653, 764 Dabc: 7102, 2374, 7103, 2375, 3497, 3287, 4394, 1031, 2153, 3275, 4397, 5409, 4577, 5688, 6799, 7810, 1445, 2546, 3657, 4768, 5879, 6990, 4764, 5875, 6986, 4579, 5690, 6801, 1358, 2469, 3580, 4691, 5792, 6903, 7014, 1250, 2357, 3462, 7098, 2370, 3492, 4573, 5684, 6795, 7806, 1441, 2542, 3653, 4764, 5875, 6986
8:00 PM C: 6 AB: 58, 64, 23, 39, 70 AC: 67, 81, 92, 15, 43 BC: 36, 58, 79, 24, 90 ABC: 501, 612, 723, 834, 945, 056, 167, 278, 389, 490, 851, 962, 073, 184, 295, 804, 915, 026, 137, 248 Dabc: 7095, 2367, 7097, 2369, 3491, 3281, 4388, 1025, 2147, 3269, 4391, 5403, 1359, 2470, 3581, 4692, 5793, 6904, 7015, 1251, 2356, 3463, 4762, 5873, 6984, 4577, 5688, 6799, 4574, 5685, 6796, 7807, 1442, 2543, 3654, 4765, 5876, 6987, 7098, 2370, 3492, 1356, 2467, 3578, 4689, 5790, 6901, 7012, 1248, 2359, 3460
9:00 PM C: 9 AB: 51, 27, 83, 66, 48 AC: 12, 37, 64, 29, 82 BC: 93, 21, 46, 72, 58 ABC: 147, 258, 369, 470, 581, 563, 674, 785, 896, 907, 018, 129, 230, 341, 452, 159, 260, 371, 482, 593 Dabc: 7099, 2371, 4571, 5682, 6793, 7804, 1439, 2540, 3651, 4762, 5873, 6984, 7095, 2367, 3489, 3279, 4386, 1023, 2145, 3267, 4389, 5401, 1253, 2354, 3465, 4576, 5687, 6798, 1365, 2476, 3587, 4698, 5799, 6910, 7021, 1257, 2350, 3469, 1356, 2467, 3578, 1357, 2468, 3579, 4680, 5791, 6902, 7013, 1249, 2358, 3461
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