The following repeated numbers have been observed in the last 30 days:
Single Digit Predictions (a, b, c): a: 7, 4 | b: 3, 8 | c: 5, 6
3-Digit Numbers: 143, 284, 365, 492, 517, 629, 731, 846, 950, 174, 285, 396, 407, 518, 629, 730, 841, 952, 163, 274
Next bc Numbers (2-Digit Predictions): 34, 85, 76, 48, 93, 67, 29, 54, 86, 72
Next ac Numbers (2-Digit Predictions): 47, 68, 39, 52, 84, 65, 29, 73, 96, 81
Next ab Numbers (2-Digit Predictions): 15, 37, 26, 48, 59, 73, 84, 25, 67, 92
4-Digit Numbers: 1738, 2950, 3847, 4726, 5839, 6954, 7148, 8237, 9184, 1043, 2156, 3284, 4317, 5408, 6501, 7629, 8735, 9846, 1047, 2158, 3269, 4370, 5481, 6592, 7603, 8714, 9825, 1936, 2047, 3158, 4269, 5370, 6481, 7592, 8603, 9714, 1825, 2946, 3057, 4168, 5279, 6380, 7491, 8502, 9613, 1724, 2835, 3946, 4057, 5168