Click here to view today’s Shillong Teer common numbers, Shillong Khanapara Teer common numbers, and Shillong Teer hit numbers for today. These common numbers are derived from previous Shillong Teer results and are used to predict the target numbers for today’s draw.
For your next bet, check the numbers listed below to enhance your chances of winning in Shillong Teer. These numbers represent either common numbers or winning numbers, and they have been predicted using a specialized formula based on the results of previous Shillong Teer draws.
Shillong Teer Common Number (02-01-2025)
Shillong Teer (Common Number):
House: 3/7, 6/2, 4/8 Ending: 7/3, 2/6, 8/4 Direct: 15, 23, 37, 42
Shillong Teer (Hit Number):
House: 5/3, 7/8, 4/6 Ending: 9/5, 3/8, 6/4 Direct: 85, 19, 67, 34
This lottery game not only provides players with opportunities to win large sums of money but also funds the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association. The Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association (KHASA) and websites give participants the opportunity to verify the results in addition to the exciting offers.
The Shillong Teer lottery consists of two rounds, each lasting roughly two minutes.
Apart from the exclusive Shillong lottery, Meghalaya also holds many other popular Teer lotteries, such as Jowai Teer, Khanapara, and Ladrymbai.
For the most recent information, visit the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association’s (KHASA) official website.
Shillong Morning Teer
Juwai Morning Teer
Shillong Teer Result
Khanapara Teer Result
Jowai Ladrymbai Result
Shillong Night Teer Result
The amount of bet and the accuracy of the player’s predictions determine the Shillong Teer lottery winner. If you predict the first round’s result accurately, you can win Rs 80 for a Rs 1 wager. You will receive Rs 60 for a Rs 1 bet if your prediction from the second round is also accurate. If a person wagers Rs 1 on each round, they can win up to Rs 4,000.